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Getting Services

Council’s Inter-Disciplinary Teams are composed of knowledgeable, well-qualified, skilled representatives from different community agencies and disciplines in Geauga County. These experienced professionals provide well thought out recommendations. Parents and agency staff are welcome to present cases. Council can convene an Inter-Disciplinary Team meeting on Mondays at 10:30 am or Thursdays at 2:00 pm. Please contact Council’s Service Coordinator, Lori Babik at (440) 285-1203 or to discuss your case prior to completing an intensive intake form.

If you are requesting a pro-social activity / goods & services, one of Council’s Inter-Disciplinary Teams will review your request via email to allow services/supports to be put in place quickly. Requests must be sent to us a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the start date of the requested activity/service. 

Please visit our FFC Forms page for more information. 

Help Me Grow
A program for pregnant women and families with infants and toddlers between the ages of birth to 3 years old. The goal of the program is to assure that newborns, infants and toddlers have the best possible start in life. Services include pre-natal visits, developmental screenings and assessments, family support and links to community resources which promote children's growth and development.

There are two Help Me Grow components: HMG (Early Intervention) and HMG (Home-Visiting). To learn more about Help Me Grow or to make a referral:

Call: 1-800-755-4769


Fax: 1-855-418-3322

Visit: and click on "Refer Now"
or and click on "Refer to Help Me Grow"

Web-Based Referral Form: Web-Based Referral Form:

Help Me Grow







Easter Games with Grandma


Service Coordination Mechanism

Dispute Resolution Process

For more information about Family First services contact Tim Kehres 440-285-1201,
For more information about Help Me Grow contact Meredith Myers 440-729-9406 x1530, e-mail:



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